Kristen McClain

Kristen McClain, a dedicated Florida public adjuster at Trust Public Adjusting Group, uniquely combines her medical expertise and heartfelt advocacy skills to assist policyholders. Formerly a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and surgical technician at institutions like Sacred Heart in Miramar Beach and Shelby Baptist Medical Center, Kristen’s background equips her to navigate high-stress environments effectively.

Driven by a profound desire to aid people, Kristen recognized an opportunity to make a difference in the insurance industry’s turbulent landscape. With a focus on supporting policyholders dealing with property damage, she aims to stand up for those who have been mistreated or alleviate concerns related to insurance claims.

Having witnessed the pressing need for compassionate support in Florida’s insurance market, Kristen is resolute in her commitment to providing tailored service and advocacy for insured individuals. Through her expertise, she ensures that policyholders receive equitable settlements and expert guidance at every stage of the insurance claim process.

Kristen’s unwavering passion for aiding others and her in-depth comprehension of the challenges faced by insured individuals have positioned her as a trusted advocate not only in the Destin community but also further afield.